But this past weekend was Bela's first Valentine's weekend! We went to lunch with my family and friends where Bela got to run around outside with the backpack grandma bought her. She really enjoyed the water fountain and loved being independent and just playing freely in the sun. Then the following day we had a Valentine's party with Ryan's family - where she got to enjoy cake and sweethearts for the first time. Bela also discovered chocolate - wow, she loved chocolate kisses! But as you can see from the family photo above, she was still very quiet and not comfortable totally around new environments. Her expressions were typically very serious and stoic through-out that day. So the culimnation of Bela really opening up to our family was when we visited my sister and brother-in-law yesterday. By chance, Ryan and I both had appointments in their area so we took Bela with us and went to visit my sister. We spent about 4 hours there. After about hour 2, Bela started to really get comfortable with them. They were very careful in not to overwhelm her with hugs and kisses and to just let her do as she wanted without much expectation. So she discovered a basket full of blankets which was just big enough for her to sit in. That was it - all my sister and brother-in-law had to do was say whheeeee and start swinging her around in the basket! I haven't heard her laugh so loud since Ryan discovered her tickle spots!!!!!
We were cracking up at how hard she was laughing! She even ran up to my sister and brother-in-law to give them hugs after they stopped swinging her around. Of course she had to place the basket back where she found it once she was done playing with it (her neatness and organization skills are still in tact)! But it was amazing just how much fun she had - she loved, loved, loved seeing her pictures in the camera. Even more fun, she loved posing and imitating us for the photos; we definintely discovered the hammy side of Bela for sure!! It was like a whole different little girl came out! I was telling my sister that I couldn't help but to wonder if Bela would ever open up to other people because she is typically so shy and stoic around anyone but us. If Bela wasn't adopted, I probably wouldn't think twice about that, but we tend to be very observant of her behavior to ensure that the adjustment and attachment process is going "normally" if you will. But those concerns started to fade away after yesterday with all the fun she had at my sister's house....pictures say a thousand words!!

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